Welcome to the Bulgarian School of Minnesota – “Saints Cyril and Methodius”
The mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius is to support and conduct education of Bulgarian language, history, culture, folklore, and customs in the Twin Cities area. We do so through Bulgarian language and dance classes for children and adults, partnerships & events with other arts, music and dance organizations.
- Preserving the knowledge of Bulgarian language, history and traditions among Bulgarian families and especially children
- Strengthening the Bulgarian community in the Twin Cities area through events and collaboration
- Reaching out to non-Bulgarians in the Twin Cities area who have an interest in any aspect of Bulgarian culture (cuisine, history, music, dance, movies, books, etc.)
To help reach our goals, we have formed and will continue to establish partnership agreements with different public and private entities. We have interacted with organizations such as the Greek Orthodox Church „St George“, Ethnic Dance Theater, Tapestry Folk Dance Center, Minneapolis Public Library, the Roseville Library, Festival of Nations, International Children’s Festival, Balkanicus Institute for Balkan Art, Culture and History, and the Minneapolis Film Association.
Classes and Activities
Classes are taught by native Bulgarian speakers and are based on methods and materials supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education.
- Group 1 (3 - 5 yrs)
- Group 2 (6 - 8 yrs)
- Group 3 (9 - 12 yrs)
- Group 4 (8 - 12 yrs)
- Bulgarian Folklore Dance
In our youngest group, the activities are focused on enriching vocabulary in Bulgarian through storytelling, poems, songs, and games. The children are introduced to numbers and letters of the alphabet, which serves as a foundation for advancing to the next group.
Teachers: Meglena Lilova & Daniela Kinova
In this group, the activities focus on forming syllables, writing and reading, grammar, and text analysis. The children in this group already have a relatively good basic knowledge of the Bulgarian language, and in class, we simply build upon and refine their language skills.
Teachers: Yana Ganeva & Daniela Kinova
This is our largest group, and the children here can comfortably write, read, and converse in Bulgarian. In this class, the children continue with grammar and also study topics related to Bulgarian studies and the history of Bulgaria. In this group, we also start preparing children who wish to take the bilingual exam, which is validated through an exam administered by professors from Sofia University.
Teachers: Mihail Changalov & Hristina Markova
In this group, we accept children who have no prior instruction or knowledge of the Bulgarian language. Here, the teachers start teaching Bulgarian from the very beginning, with the material tailored to the age and abilities of each student.
Teachers: Pamela Marindoneva & Iliyana Beneke
Our club teaches children from Bulgarian descent, the magic of Bulgarian folklore dance. Kids Dance group “Shevitza” was formed from the Bulgarian School of Minnesota “Saints Cyril and Methodius” in September 2009, and has been attracting new students each year. The two groups have been exposed to different dance styles, techniques, and rhythms of individual ethnographic regions of Bulgaria. They’ve had numerous performances and participation in festivals, dance events, and holiday celebrations.
Teacher: Elena Momtcheva
School Calendar
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Българското Училище в Минесота иска да напомни на всички бивши и настоящи ученици и техните родители да не забравят да си закупят билети за наближаващият концерт на БТР в сряда, 19ти Март в Blue Saloon в Сейнт Пол. Входът за деца е безплатен и се надяваме на силна подкрепа от всички малки и големи Българи в Минесота. Срамота е само 50 човека да са закупили билети когато знаем че има точно 1348 българи в Минесота според 2024 US Census. Родители, концерта е от 19:00 -21:00 часа, така че тези деца които не са в пролетна ваканция ще имат достатъчно време да се наспят! Това е концерт който не е за изпускане! Тези събития се организират за да поддържаме искрата на българската култура, изкуство и традиции жива, ала ако нямаме посещаемост и желаещи, за подобни събирания, се обезмисля необходимостта да се хвърлят средства и усилия в организирането им. Апелираме към всички наши бивши, настоящи и бъдещи ученици и техните семейства да вземат активно участие в този празник на българската музика! The Bulgarian School in MN would like to remind all Bulgarians and their friends about the upcomingming concert of the amazing BG rock band BTR planned for this coming wednesday March 19th at Blue Saloon, St. Paul. As communicated previously, kids are free of charge so we hope and expect stronger attendance. We cant fatom how according to 2024 US Census Buro there are 1348 bulgarians living in MN and yet there are only 50 tickets sold. Parents, we know that some of the schools are in spring break, but even if your children are not on break pleas dont be worried about their ability to report to school the next day. The concert is only from 7 pm - 9:00 pm and the kids will have plenty of time to rest before mext school day. This concern is not an event you want to miss! We organize these events to support the bulgarian culture, art, music and traditions and if there is no interest - these events wouls cease to exist. Please come and join us, you won’t regret it!
По случай Международния Ден на Жената 8ми март поздравяваме всички прекрасни български жени, майки и баби с едно малко позабравено ала много мило стихотворение! БЛАГОДАРЯ ТИ, МАМО! Асен Босев Благодаря ти, мамо, за твоя топъл скут, за майчиното рамо, за майчиния труд. Благодаря ти още за ясния ми ден, за грижите ти нощем, когато бдиш над мен. За нежната закрила, за кроткия ти глас, за всичко, майко мила, благодаря ти аз!